Why We Work?

We work to:

  • Improve the quality of life for children generally and those in the rural areas in particular.

  • Promote, respect and protect the rights of the children

  • To develop support materials and programmes for early childhood development.

  • Mobilize and build the capacity of communities in the area of early childhood education, survival and development.

  • To empower women and promote gender equality and equity.

  • HIV/AIDS prevention, care and support.

  • Mainstream HIV/AIDS and gender into projects and program.

  • Revive good cultural rearing practices that are forgotten or are extant.

  • Engage in research into policy and practices that relate to children, women and the family.

  • Coordinate and develop programmes and materials which help parents and communities to increase their understanding of the development needs of children, youths and women.

  • Engage in community development.

  • To engage in integrated agriculture and model farms.

  • Engage in skills acquisition and pursuit of socio-economic rights of the people particularly women.

  • Community Human Rights Education.

  • Monitoring and evaluation.