Training of Community Advocacy Groups on GBV (CAG-BGV) in 10 communities in
Abakaliki and Ezza South LGAs in Ebonyi State.
Training conducted between January and February 2020.
Institutionalization of Community Advocacy Groups on GBV (CAG-GBV) is and innovation
developed by ESERC to hand over the fights against SGBV/VAWG/HP to the entire community
while providing mentorship to them, making every community member a stakeholder in the women
and girls movement. This approach strengthens the capacity of the community to fully take
ownership of the project while ESER provides mentorship. Everyone has become a stakeholder
in SGBV/VAWG/HP issues, both young and old, male and female, prospective perpetrators and
survivors all together. The approach ensure rapid response to GBV issues and increases
reportage of SGBV/VAWG/HP cases.
3 days capacity building training has been conducted for CAG-GBV in 10 communities in
Abakaliki and Ezza South LGAs in Ebonyi State.
These communities include:
Abakaliki LGA:
• Amagu Community
• Enyigba Community
⦁ Okpuitimo Community
⦁ Ndiagu Okpuitimo Community
⦁ Edda Community.
Ezza South LGA:
⦁ Amuzu Community
⦁ Ezzama Community
⦁ Echera Community
⦁ Ikwuator Idembia Community
⦁ Okoffia Community
The work of the Community Advocacy Groups (CAG) focuses on encouraging citizens to voice
their experiences of, and concerns with VAWG/SGBV/HP in their communities and to place
pressure through effective advocacy on government and other stakeholders to be more
responsive and accountable in service delivery on VAWG/SGBV/HP and gender responsive
budgeting. Other roles of the CAG-GBV includes:
⦁ Ensures all cases of SGBV/VAWG/HP are reported as quickly as possible to the
relevant authorities.
⦁ To ensure that survivors of GBV receives prompt services including SRHR services and
ensure that justices is obtained.
⦁ To ensure that perpetrators of GBV do not go unpunished.
⦁ Handling of some minor cases of GBV in the community through the traditional ruler and
other opinion leaders.
⦁ Conducting community outreaches to sensitize the community on GBV issues and on available
laws and policies on SGBV/VAWG/HP etc.
These trained CAG-GBV have been linked to the law enforcement agencies especially the
Police, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), State Ministry of Women Affairs and Social
Development, State Ministries of Health, Education, Ministry of Justices and FIDA.
Networking meetings with these groups are conducted from time to time for experience
sharing, challenges and best practices.
So far, there has been a increase in reporting of SGBV/VAWG/HP cases in Ebonyi State.